Application Process European Universities- Step by Step

  1. School List: The most important component of the process and involves thorough research and the contribution of experienced counselors. A list is devised in three categories-“dream schools” that a student wants to try although the possibilities of being accepted are low; “target schools” that fall within the range of the student’s credentials and one “safety school” that is a 100% admit.
  2. Applications: Each institution has its own application system and depends on the country it is in; therefore, it is advisable that students speak with our counselor for schools in Europe to determine the requirements for each institution.
  3. CV: A list of the activities that the students have been involved in starting with Grade 9 through Grade 12. Many schools require a CV or an otherwise stated document outlining these principal activities.
  4. Personal Statement: Most schools require a statement of intent that outlines the reasons for the student’s choice of major and his background information.
  5. Sending scores: Many schools require students to self report their test scores but they are not official unless they are sent to the institutions officially by the institution that has administered the test. Scores are sent on line or through fast mail.
  6. Visa: Students apply for a student visa as soon as they are accepted by the University.


HorizonIstanbul Education & Counseling

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